Saturday, January 2, 2010

What I Am Wondering???

Don't you ever wonder what would have happend if you made a different choice? I always wonder what life would be like if I had chosen differently. I always think that life would be different if all of us had chosen a different path but that never really works when your mind is already made up. I always wonder what my friends really think of me because all of my friends say " your my best friend" but sometimes i think their not telling the truth.

1 comment:

  1. We all go through this faze where we think that our "friends" are our friends or are they. Just remember that your bestfriend is the one sitting next to you when your in real trouble going "Lets do it again!" and all those who are on the outside are the ones that arn't your friends. You'll find the older you get the more your friends will change and shape who you are. Don't worry Teester you'll figure it out!
